Sunday, 26 April 2015


I must have woken up in a philosophical mood this morning because I found myself sitting up in bed contemplating the nature of consciousness. Then I thought that I hadn’t posted on my Twitter account for some time so trawled my mind for inspiration. I confess that Twitter is still something of a mystery to me and the main benefit that I have derived from it is as a medium to complain about big companies and get action. It seems that even the likes of BT and Peugeot who do a great impression of not caring a monkeys, just don’t like negative comments of social media. That aside, I realise that local businesses follow me as a method of advertising their services and, for some, I’m sure it works but my attempts to follow suit have yielded nothing. What I find more baffling are the follows that come from around the world, especially those that do not seem to be drawing attention to a particular product, condition or campaign. Then, ridiculous as it may seem, I feel a certain pressure to post something mind blowing or at least interesting. Hence, this morning I thought post, “Every act of unconditional kindness makes the world a better place. It lights a candle in the darkness.” Still in my philosophical mode I then examined the word ‘unconditional’. Often people have the attitude of ‘what’s in it for me’. They want something in return. That attitude is easy to spot in the extreme but even for the most benevolent, the unconditional bit can pose a problem. Sometimes we get fed up for doing things for people and getting no thanks or even getting negativity in return. Does that mean of acts are not unconditional because we do want something in return even if it is an occasional ‘thank you’? Perhaps, but if we were perfect we wouldn’t be on this Earth so we can only do our best and continue to light our little candles in the darkness and forgive ourselves for sometimes wanting to light them in a slightly different place.

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